Monday, November 1, 2010

Gray Suit For Ring Bearer

Un palco molto particolare...

The following are three still frames of a movie I shot September 23, 2007.
portray an adult deer with a very special stage: the left bar is "normal" (dagger, needle, middle and a crown with four points), while the right is simple, "point". The cause, most likely, is to be seen in a trauma to the leg bone (known as the rod is lower than the right to grow to the left).

I had almost forgotten the subject viewed three years ago, but relate this picture, dated June 26, 2010, I found several similarities: the pole the left is very similar and it is clear that, even in this case, there is an injury to the leg bone (the right bar is very short).

But things are more complicated than I thought! Let me explain and I jumped back.

Il 17 maggio 2009  ho avvistato (nella stessa zona) un cervo in "velluto" che aveva il palco con le stesse caratteristiche. La corona in questo caso era perĂ² composta da solo 3 punte

L'ho osservato anche successivamente e sempre in compagnia dello stesso maschio.
La mattina del 20 febbraio 2010 un SMS di un mio amico, mi diceva di aver trovato una stanga sinistra, coronata a 3 punte e che queste erano piuttosto lunghe...
La zona era la stessa degli avvistamenti e dopo la descrizione della stanga, ho pensato che si trattasse del Cervo col palco anomalo fotografato nel maggio 2009.
La mattina dopo mi went there and after a few minutes every doubt is gone: it was undoubtedly in him!

Here's the strange stage "recomposed"

On 19 June 2010 (and then 7 days before photographing the male crowned to 4 points) I saw the same deer found the stage. At that time I was in the car with me and I had only the "compact camera". A mega zoom allowed me to figure out who it was!

The left pole is identical to that of the previous year, while the right is virtually absent or reduced to a small spuncione.
The two men (or perhaps three, who knows!) Therefore are not the same, but shares the same "problem" and despite living in the same area!.
For the series: even a very bad picture can be very useful!


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