Friday, November 5, 2010

Electric Box 2 Guide Lv 26

Dear visitors of our Blog, benvenuti ad un nuovo “post-evento” unico, ad un articolo che vi insegnerà qualcosa di più sulla vita di noi isterici asterici.
È stata infatti stilata la prima classifica delle “ CINQUE FRASI PIÙ USATE IN ASTERIA ”!!!
Come ogni classifica che si rispetti, partiremo dal fondo, per arrivare, in un rash di emozione, ai motti presenti sul podio e alla medaglia d’oro.

Ma veniamo subito alla Classifica:

“È stato un bagno di sangue”
Il cosiddetto “bagno di sangue”, Asteria in can only mean one thing: he spent more than they had expected. When you embark on a work of animation, video production, a 3D rendering, the step from a good gain in that bloodbath is short. The unexpected is always lurking ...

But on our last Pellacchia salary, each of us has experienced the thrill of a blood bath and know, therefore, how to behave in a crisis, and as a triumph however, bring home the Bacon!

4th place
"I'm having problems with render"
Yes, we we have serious problems with the render, sometimes. Who has not at the bottom? I believe that every human being, in his most intimate self, has some minor problems with rendering. "Rendering" is an English word that indicates an operation performed by a designer to produce a quality performance of an object or architecture.
not matter that our company is equipped with a "render farm", or 4 of the 8-processor behemoths with a concentrated full time on the noble art of rendering ... sometimes rendering inexplicably gets stuck, and then I Stefano sad exit from his office and utters the fateful words: "I'm having trouble with render ". All the rest is history.

"Checking the budget"
The bronze medal went to this system of simple short sentence: subject implied, in the second person imperative verb and object from the taste of money. The verb "check" is by far the most widely used in Asteria. Here we have a thousand things occur: formats, the finalizing (see also Article damn finalization ), absences, be able to take holidays ... but especially the budget.
Woe to not check out the budget: it is a mistake novices, as it may end in a bloodbath (see 5th place)

"We must enter the percentages of Sal"
Silver Sal, no doubt! The S Committee A deficit L ivories is a great joy here in Asteria.
Let me explain: unlike what I thought before entering the world of the museum, the works are not paid in a single blow, but there are several Sal (10% to 20%, 50 %...) in which the contractor after verifying the actual progress of work, firm part of the total. Enter the percentages in an Excel spreadsheet of this is not easy, but it should be done with great criterion, because it can lead to a substantial gain. More
the Sal is salty, the more you galvanize the mood of us asterisk!

1st place
"Enter it in management"
The gold could not go to a sentence relating to the management, the best friend / worst enemy of every employee.
The management is a program that can be very convenient: there are addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers of all suppliers of the company. Through il gestionale ci si ricorda dei nostri appuntamenti, quasi fosse un’agenda aziendale e si ritrovano anche i file di tutti i lavori compiuti e in corso.
Ma il dramma è che a volte dall’ordine scaturisce, incontrollabile, la confusione. Quando ci si dimentica di inserire una mail, un numero di telefono o delle ore di lavoro nel gestionale, sono cazzi! 
Leggenda narra di gente ricoverata alla neurodeliri per non aver mai più ritrovato dati, contatti o appunti di vitale importanza per l’azienda.

È per questo che la peggiore risposta alla innocua richiesta: “Inseriscilo nel gestionale” è “Sì, sì. Lo farò then ... "


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