Thursday, October 15, 2009

Go Kart Steering System

Ophthalmology Update 3.3.3 - best workmanship

Dear Users,

the new version of Doctor's Office 2008 is available for installation or upgrade from our site. Particularly among the new features several enhancements to the Billing and a new report especially useful to identify outpatients who need the services invoiced by different doctors:

Stamp automatic bill over a certain amount
New Invoice Management Formats and Footers Notes configurable
second Billing Codes List Performance Report (useful for outpatients)
Search for Bills Bills Search for
Total Invoice Format (only for invoices issued after this version)
Metodo di pagamento predefinito
Parametri di Totale Fattura in Report Fatturazione
Impostazione veloce per permessi utente in Gestione Database
Stampa metodo di pagamento su lato sinistro o destro della fattura
Migliorie all'esportazione a Excel
Migliorie all'interfaccia di fatturazione
Correzioni di interfaccia

Distinti saluti