Friday, July 9, 2010

Sidereel At Northwestern

UNION on Parks Parks

Message " Union" on the spot by Italy's Prime Minister:

"It 'just and welcomed the call for Italy to rediscover. E' sacred commitment to enhance the incredible and unique combination of nature and culture of our country and, more importantly, to make so that to appreciate it are the Italians.
Our National Parks, Regional Parks, Marine Protected Areas conserve (protect and preserve not mean to prohibit, but be careful and protect, to use resources efficiently and for a long time) a unique heritage of biodiversity around the planet, landscapes extraordinary natural beauty and reveal are dotted with monuments, villages, towns, churches, castles that increase, with the traditions underlying them, the extraordinary value.
Well, the management of these assets, which is provided by people who are motivated, prepared, able to work hard for an idea and a vision, who are already working to the extent possible and with scarce resources, (and would love for their way of working also to the Minister Brunetta ....) will be made possible because, if the weather will be kept reduction to 50% of funding to the Parks .
Environment Minister, we thank and support, there appears to have taken a stand against this unfortunate situation, but the inclusion of the amendment in the text that will be submitted to a vote of confidence for next week is by no means certain and there is a risk that National Parks, Costa FOR ITALIAN COAST LITTLE LESS THAN A CUP OF COFFEE 'YEAR, are forced to "close", and not just metaphorically. Should be spared? We know, we do it every day, We experience a lot of ideas and proposals in this regard. "

Maurilio Cipparone
also spokesman of UNION for the Parks and Nature in Italy .

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Anterior Myometril Uterine Fibroid

Back to defend the interests of UNESCO

By now you should contact directly to Gianfranco Fini, president of the Chamber, on the occasion of a prize awarded to Ustica, groped to make it known that in Italy thirty Marine Protected Areas survive with what in France is allocated for a single Regional Park: From Greenreport .

A livello centrale non essendo riusciti a chiudere i Parchi nei goffi tentativi degli anni scorsi, hanno deciso di affondarli. In finanziaria è previsto un taglio del 50% agli striminziti stanziamenti in favore degli Enti Parco nazionali, il che equivale a dimezzare le attività già ridotte al lumicino in gran parte dei Parchi Nazionali. La manovra è a tal punto scandalosa che persino il Ministro dell’Ambiente, facente parte dello stesso Governo è costretto a farsi sentire tramite i media per salvare il salvabile: da Il Sole 24 Ore .

Se qualcuno pensa che ci siano delle disattenzioni può stare tranquillo perchè non si tratta di sviste. Quando si pensa a posti e poltrone, infatti, spuntano assurdi emendamenti come quello in cui i Direttori dei parchi andrebbero nominati semplicemente sulla fiducia del Ministro, senza più un Albo professionale e senza più la segnalazione dei nominativi da parte di chi, gli Enti Parco, sul territori si confronta quotidianamente: da AIDAP .

In Abruzzo , la Regione dei Parchi, la regione che ha scommesso sul verde per il proprio futuro, la situazione è divenuta ridicola, zero Euro per Parchi e Riserve regionali e milioni di euro per impianti da sci, se fosse possibile ridere in un quadro così drammatico come quello delineato dagli esperti: da The Weeden .

There is the need to return to defend the treasures of our country hard. We thought perhaps that Italy had taken the route of the countries civil respect their heritage. Things, however, are going contrary to what one might logically think.