Saturday, February 27, 2010

Financial Level Of Risk Questionaire

Giulianova, Pineto e S. Benedetto in CIVITAS

CIVITAS cities that have joined Giulianova Pineto and San Benedetto
Three common on the Adriatic coast joined in a European initiative with the aim of promoting sustainable mobility based on cycling.
The three governments have joined the Forum CIVITAS signing the letter of intent after the respective city councils approved the text of reference. San Benedetto del Tronto
, Giulianova Pineto and become part of a network of more than 60 European cities that share the development policies of sustainable mobility based on cycling
The dialogue between the government was promoted by Coordination Paths Abruzzo Teramo (CCiclAT) which provided, at the same time, also the technical support for the first joint project was completed and presented to the financing of European funding program called Civitas Catalyst .
This was an opportunity to develop a model of participatory planning among government departments and associations, such as a replicated by other municipalities on the Adriatic coast and inland.
Sustainable mobility along the Adriatic coast has a unique, meaningful denominator: Cycle Adriatic, the No branch 6 of the national network BicItalia ( ).
order to meet the required continuity of this process over 1000 km long, from Emilia Romagna and Puglia, in our area has to be made some interventions to overcome the rivers Tronto and Vomano of Nature Reserve Borsacchio , area Torre Cerrano , and the area Lead-Saline .
The project presented in the Catalyst program is focused on the promotion of sustainable mobility by means of thematic meetings (workshops), printing (paper and web sites), activities with schools. Another strand is that of joint planning with citizens, merchants, tourist entrepreneurs, administrators, there are numerous examples of European cities in which sustainable mobility has led a number of benefits that generally tend to ignore.
The hope is now placed on getting the funding for this first project so as to initiate a multiplier effect on the territory of other leading authorities on the same track ... bike course!.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Gold Desert Eagle Gun For Sale

Install 2010 Xterra Off Road Lights

Boracom Webtelevision

Swollen Anklesalcohol

Le Aree Marine Protette italiane condannate a morte

The photo shows what was the participation in the Conference
Italian Marine Protected Areas no longer exist, have no funds, are not represented by anyone. Left to themselves first by the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea (never was more inappropriate term).
in Bari in the course of " Mediterre " (the annual meeting of the parks in the world) was held on the afternoon of 29 U.S. and publicized the planned National Conference on Marine areas. The title of the conference was eloquent: " Marine Protected Areas between risks of survival and possible reforms . At the Conference Presieduta Da Sebastiano ROMANO (presidente dell’area marina di Siracusa). hanno relazionato il Senatore Antonio D'ALI'(Presidente della Commissione Ambiente del Senato) ed il Senatore Roberto DELLA SETA(PD, membro Commissione Ambiente ) nonché Il Presidente di Federparchi Giampiero SAMMURI, il Vicepresidente dell’associazione Legambiente ed un rappresentante delle Aree Marine Protette iscritte a Federparchi.
Un’occasione straordinaria per discutere con tutti i portatori d’interesse i gravi problemi del settore. Un’occasione clamorosamente fallita poiché:
• Le Riserve Marine italiane erano assenti, n’erano presenti sette su ventisei mancavano 19 aree marine.
• Il Ministero dell’ambiente era assente pur essendo previsto dal programma l’intervento del Direttore Generale del Servizio Conservazione Natura.
• Il WWF e l’associazione “Marevivo” erano assenti pur essendo previsto l’intervento di rappresentanti. Quanto sopra significa che le associazioni che hanno organizzato l’evento, Federparchi e Legambiente, non sono in alcun modo rappresentative del sistema nazionale delle aree marine protette.

In ogni caso dalle relazioni degli oratori è emerso che:

1- Le Aree Marine Protette Italiane dieci anni fa erano dodici e ricevevano dallo Stato un contributo equivalente a nove milioni di euro , oggi sono venticinque e ricevono un contributo di quattro milioni di euro .
2- Vi è una confusione normativa e amministrativa tale che non rendere possibile né la gestione dei territori demaniali né l’amministrazione delle aree.
3- Il divieto di avere personale, di fatto, paralizza ogni attività, comprese le iniziative economiche e la possibilità dell’applicazione di sanzioni per chi non osserva i vincoli di tutela.
4- La recente legge sullo scioglimento dei consorzi pubblici è il colpo di grazia per un sistema già al collasso.

Il Senatore D’Alì ha comunicato con enfasi l’unica good thing today is the Italian marine areas, the bill approved by the Senate Environment Committee to facilitate the yachting. A law that allows the placement of buoys that will allow large pleasure boats (up to a hundred meters long) entry into protected areas.

Desta disbelief know that all Italian marine reserves receive only four million euro a year and discover that while there is a request to the Ministry of finance by "private" in € 30 million (of one already provided for a pilot project) to install buoys in the Marine Protected Areas. As the environment department IDV along with Senator Caforio (former presenter of a parliamentary question) we were alerted that "Italy of Values" offers to representatives of the Italian Marine Areas giving all possible aid availability for all its institutional representation from local to national and Parliamentary . We also hope that the marine areas will henceforth refer only to the ANCI and UPI also unique institutional entities that can represent them in this dire situation effectively.

Elio Lanzillotta
Taken from the site of Italy of Values \u200b\u200b- Puglia .

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Instructivo De Battleship

Il Governo contro l'Abruzzo verde

Mappa delle concessioni di ricerca rilasciate a Società Petrolifere in Abruzzo

Il Presidente Chiodi dopo due anni di pressing da parte di cittadini e associazioni, sul filo di lana, e anche se in maniera un pò scalcagnata, sembrava, comunque, ce l'avesse fatta a tener fede all'impegno assunto in campagna elettorale di salvaguardare l'Abruzzo dall'assalto dei petrolieri. Prima della fine dell'anno si era riusciti a far approvare la legge cosiddetta "blocca petrolio", anche se non era un vero e proprio stop a tutte le possibilità.
Ma il Governo centrale, notizia di oggi After selling off in recent years the oil companies to Abruzzo green all over the world, has seen well to persevere in its campaign of demolition of the "Land of the Parks" and has challenged the regional law in front of the Constitutional Court.
excavations are planned for exploration and extraction in almost all protected areas of Abruzzo, including National Parks of Majella and Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga , major including the Natural Reserves Borsacchio and Calanchi Atri , even at sea in the vicinity of 'Marine Protected Area Torre del Cerrano and along the coast Trabocchi , that perhaps for these vulgar interests, has not yet been able to become a true National Park, as provided for Costa Teatina over ten years in the framework law on protected areas: Law 394/91.
err is human ... persevere is diabolical!