Sunday, November 30, 2008

Catch Phrases Halloween Birthday Party

Very good! We won!

Beautiful, waking up on Sunday after a great victory!
Yesterday, we showed that we have!
blame their opponents, our skill ...???
No matter the result is what counts!
We are healed??
The victory serves to continue the growing need for Alviano ...!
Our fantastic president-child!
Great President!
Yesterday all players who are entrati in campo hanno dato un CONTRIBUTO!
Piccolo grande che sia un CONTRIBUTO!!!
Questo è quello che conta...mettersi a disposizione del compagno, senza pensare a cosa mi può tornare!!! Senza egoismi e protagonismi!!!
Questo fa di un gruppo una SQUADRA!!!
Quest'anno sento mille problemi, mille critiche, mille nessuno lavora su  una SOLUZIONE!!!

Dimenticavo...dopo l'esperienza di venerdì sera...quando si esce con la squadra per fare una serata goliardica, mettiamoci la super FELPA DEL BUJA...
Serve, SERVE, serve....soprattutto if there are English or other parties where there are living things feminine!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Is There A Multiplayer Patch For Port Royale 2

Version: 3.0.2 Advanced Data Import Export

Our studies will be closed from December 22 to January 9: Happy Holidays!

The new version 3.0.2 of the Doctor's Office is available on the page updates.

New features: _______________________________________________________________

v. 3.0.2 Import and Export
entries for quick entry into the medical record

export options to Excel and CSV advanced compatibility con altri programmi (contabilità, etc)

Traccia per nuovi appuntamenti
Trascinamento appuntamenti per gradi
Gestione database avanzata, cambio porta del server
Funzione per eliminazione di note (bigliettini gialli) con data passata
Stampa modalità di pagamento
Migliorie all'efficienza dei Report
Migliorie di interfaccia

(v 3.0.1)
Nuovo report combinato per Appuntamenti/Prestazioni/Costo
Migliorie ai report esistenti
Migliorie al controllo di orari sovrapposti
Migliorie alla visione del poliambulatorio
Migliorie alla gestione interna fatture
Semplificazione di impostazione Visione Poliambulatorio per Doctors
Correction to the automatic identification of the sex of a patient

AS Software Development

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Goldwell Hair Colour Wholesale

Brilliant! Porco

The best thing is for sure the team's sweater!
Bu ja!
For the rest ...
I just emptied my mind!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cream Tartar Orange Juice

dog SMITH!

... I lost count of the points ...
This time the money won on the group ...
Or better, perhaps we are not yet out of our crisis of identity, then we are not yet a group ...
Then you can tell who won the money!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Soft High Cervix And Cramps

D-IO and Satan vs Past!

thinking today ... I did two calculations ...
Me and Satan, is the eighth year we play the same team!
Of these, 6 well spent Tarcento!
We won the championship in 2005, bringing the Tarcento from the series D at C2!

Tonight, for the first time we will play together against our past.
do not think so ... now we are great ... great ... but not mature ...

Tarcento Today is a completely different reality from the one we left.
At that time the company was all about team now all about money!
Money in series D does not make a difference as does the Inter Moratti.
The risk is simple ... a few years of "high" level to find themselves without having built anything. Okay these are
solo mie opinioni...solo il mio punto di vista!!!

Comunque aspetto millllioni di spettatori stasera a vedere la partita!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Present For Stroke Patient


Sapete la cosa più difficile da fare???
Il cambiamento il cambiamento è l'unica maniera per crescere!
Se uno vince la paura di cambiare...ha fatto bingo!!!
Questa settimana abbiamo cambiato completamente la modalità di fare allenamento...
La mia impressione è che la motivazione e l'entusiasmo che erano venuti meno sono tornati a livelli buoni!!!
Il primo passo è stato fatto!!!
Ieri eravamo presenti ad allenamento in 14...erano months since it happened ...

Also one thing that surprised me last night, was the president's speech!
finally given a speech, engaging and motivating!
Great President!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Whats The Average Price For Catering?

Doctor's Office 2008 Version 3 - Consultation on the Web via browser - Overview Clinic

Dear Doctors,

Doctor's Office Web / Browser with this update (version 3.0) Doctor's Office offers the opportunity to study data via the Web (Doctor's Office via the web) via a standard browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) and an internet connection you can access and view program information such as appointments, registries, medical records and media files. For a description Extended service we refer to page of the site Doctor's Office Web
Vision Overview Clinic E 'can now view (read-only) data of all the Doctors of the study together, overlapping and differentiated by color customizable and surname the doctor. See page Clinic

Setting Timetable Favorites
Similarly block schedule is now possible to introduce or highlight preferred time that marchino agenda.

Drugs Database updated With this update, the database should be updated to drugs (the update will be sent e-mail is compatible with subscription)

Add-ins and templates
the new features of components and models that require components that are updated with the new version of the program. The components and updated models can be downloaded from add and models of the site and installed over the existing ones.

_____________________________________________ Here is a full list of other updates on the latest version 2.6.3 Optional
Obfuscate the Timetable 'Not Preferred'
Send notes (yellow cards) to other users
Identification dei diversi Medici tramite colori personalizzabili
Note e Ricette vengono ora salvate sul Database e quindi ottenibili in remoto
Migliorie e semplificazioni alle procedure di Backup e Ripristino
Snellimento dell'applicazione installata nel poliambulatorio
Crittografia copia di backup (su NTFS)
Migliorie colori di appuntamento (risolve raro problema tramite connessione interrotta)
Campo a tendina per scelta utente rapida
Rifiniture al Trascinamento Appuntamenti
Configurazione Opzionale della porta del Server
Compatibilità con alcuni file particolari inseriti nella cartella clinica
Migliorie al processo di aggiornamento e dsinistallazione
Migliorie alla gestione utenti
Migliorie general improvements to the efficiency of database interface


compatibility with your subscription period for updates you will receive an email with the new serial numbers for the upgrade soon.


AS Software Development

Monday, November 10, 2008

Guide D'installation Thermostat Noma

We did it!

win and we won!
Very good!
It took just ...
Great audience ... great post ... great outdoor parking lot ... Great ... great arbitrage
Alvio ...
Grande bouffe ... all the inhabitants of Friuli have sent some food to the boys of Buja and supporters ... even after an earthquake would come so many humanitarian aid ...
10,000 pizzas ...
45,000 pies ...
150 kg of rice ...
3 cans of beer ...

So fine! We re-started the great!
And as the game went??
Fine ...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Why Is It Important To Wear Protective Clothing

We do!

I reflected on the fact that maybe I should start putting videos like during the playoffs last year ...
I think it's time yet ... why??
Why, today, we are still far from the concept of team and therefore would have no effect!

The jump in class! What does
1. change of mentality
2. cambiamento del livello tecnico
3. cambio o inserimento di nuovi giocatori
4. aumento dell'impegno
Tutte queste variabili modificano l'equilibrio di una squadra o di una società!!!
Cosa fare???
Lasciare perdere o trovare delle soluzioni???
Come fare per trovare delle soluzioni???
Allontanarsi o coinvolgere???
Motivati o demotivati???
Uniti o disuniti???

Qualcuno su facebook mi ha scritto: " siamo o no il gruppo migliore che esiste???"

Sapete cosa penso io: SI!!!
Per questo abbiamo la possibilità di uscire da questa situazione...
Basta solo decidere in quanto tempo we want to do!

Tonight ...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dawn From Pokemon Pregnant

How we are?

Fine ... we'll see ...!!!
Who knows what's going on in the world ...
I'm back from Thailand by boat ...
The coach went to whores in romania ... I wonder why it always works with companies that send the most prolific in the nations of the earth from the physical point of view ... so let's call it ...
guys ... I have not yet all on facebook ... is still missing someone ... From
strength ...
Yesterday I became a friend also of White! Since the field is just as fast ... but facebook is earlier than others! Just go to
and sign up ...
It is not difficult ...
Open your mind!
Yes, WE CAN!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Can You Buy Folligen In A Store?


Beautiful minus 25 hours ...
-25 or pass!
And to say that today I was almost in Trieste in short sleeves! So I became
titanium as it does not feel the cold!
Absolutely not!
I'm talking about more! About
guess what I'm talking about??
I have some beautiful photos to be published on the event ... but because they freeze in the cold macchiana photographic memory!
Some people with joy started throwing elbows to his comrades to the poor by arranging Millhouse also a cut under his eye ...
All well that ends well anyway!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Verucca When Is It Gone


start writing let us see what comes out ...
Yesterday someone told me you do not write more ...
Honestly I do not have interesting topics ... or funny ...
... tomorrow we go to play at Aviano ...
Many years ago ... I think a score, then played in the youth of Tricesimo. We went to Aviano NATO base ... but the American team against the base!
a beautiful experience ... that we were growing up basketball with the NBA and the myth of black players to play against the Americans ... and the majority of color was a fantastic experience!
even winning the game! At the time we were really strong ... I, Bertacche, Clocchiatti, widows and others who then did not continue at a senior level ...

today ... that pulls air in Buja??
say that there is strong wind!
There are micro issues that are influencing the trend ... I'm sorry because as a group we are really cool and would be a shame not to fix this situation!
would be nice if everyone would write some thoughts on their time and say ... the blog is a tool for sharing ... that might be useful to bring out what is obvious ...
Kill the monster when it is small!