Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Draw A Accident


Diceva  San Bernardo da Chiaravalle: "troverai più nei boschi che nei libri" .
I libri ci insegnano molto certo, ma la realtà che osserviamo con i nostri occhi ci permette di essere critici su ciò che leggiamo.

I testi dicono fondalmentalmente che:

- I primi Cervi a "gettare" il palco sono quelli più anziani
- Dalle dimensioni delle rose si può capire, a grandi linee, se il soggetto è giovane o maturo.

Ora posto una foto che mostra le rose di due stanghe che ho trovato respectively on Saturday (19/02) and today (26/02):

The bar on the left has a rose considerably larger than the right. The length and weight are very different.
You may also notice the great difference in color: If it were not for the presence of traces of blood on the release area, I found it hard to understand that it was a pole this year that found today!.
The poles of this size and that color (light and very smooth) I have always observed with animals of the second or third head and then found at the end of March to April.

I open a small parenthesis on the color of the shafts.
lighter ones are usually smoother and less porous, the darker ones are more "pearl" and more porous. The color depends on the absorption of blood during the cleaning of the velvet and the juices of the plants that the animal uses to "rub" the front appendix during the cleaning operation. A porous rod has a greater capacity to "absorb". Conifers are low in tannins and give it a lighter color, in contrast to the hardwoods (eg chestnut) have a richer wood tannins.

The two bars I've found a few hundred meters from each other and therefore belong to animals living in the same area.

Taking into account that there are more or less robust animals of the same age, how is it possible that two people like that throw the poles almost simultaneously? An elderly patient may have rose so small? It 's just a matter of weakness?

Now I show two pictures taken by me March 8, 2009:

You can see a person who has just threw a rod, one that has already healed the area of \u200b\u200bseparation (and apparently it seems to me that even the most mature of the group), which has already begun a phase of regrowth and another who still firmly on the stage head (which shows two poles more impressive than the person who has already "thrown" a).

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Obtaining A Carpentry License In Ny


Excluding the mating period (September-October) and a brief soon after, always attend the same areas for my sightings and photos to my Deer.
a couple of years, however, the Nobles ungulates are more difficult to see ... The reasons may be many but I think that the greatest number of animals slaughtered was decisive .... I like to think, perhaps too romantically, who have just moved (there is often talk of enlargement natural distribution area right?).

The fact remains that, despite not see it, the deer are there.
Apart from the prints made and this morning I was lucky to find even three poles "thrown" by very little.

may happen that the animal "jets" with its poles at the same time:

Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Trade Pokemon On Emulator Mac

Version 4.0.1 - Sizes and Estimate Invoice extended Improvement Warehouse, Export Permits

Dear Doctors, Company

version 4.0.1 is available on the door and some finishing touches and improvements to the warehouse, export permits and a further extension of the invoice format, useful to better manage budgets , by selecting 'down payment'.

In particular, these changes:

Entering Warehouse in text fields
Post from Handbook of Business in the text fields of the extended Visit
invoice on invoices and quotes and quote for export permits
Events / Patients / Views

indentation and color for the text generated in the visit
Billing Management Overview of (if shared throughout the study)
Create Invoice Overview Meet in (if shared throughout the study)
Printable Stock List
Update section of the manual
Warehouse management enhancements automatic stamp on the invoice

A. Sabbatini

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Invite My Brother To Visit Us?

Il Cervo su YOU TUBE!

My friend Cameraman debuted on You Tube! :