Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can You Program Starchoice Remote


E 'was organized for Saturday, June 26, 2010, a day of work Pineto (Te) time to conduct a joint assessment with all stakeholders, the possibility that a planning unit area called Atri-Cerrano possa divenire di interesse per un organismo internazionale come l'UNESCO.
Una strategia mirata alla salvaguardia delle bellezze storiche e naturalistiche dell'area che si estende tra la Riserva naturale dei Calanchi di Atri fino all' Area Marina Protetta Torre del Cerrano non potrà che andare nella direzione di uno sviluppo locale rispettoso del territorio e delle proprie risorse.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Acrostic Poem For Vacuum

Civil society cleans Reserve Borsacchio

... mentre la società incivile dorme sonni profondi! Verrebbe da dire.
Dall'8 febbraio 2005 una Riserva Natural protects one of the most beautiful stretches of coast of the Adriatic: the area of \u200b\u200bBorsacchio between Roseto degli Abruzzi and Giulianova (Te). Within 90 days after the publication of the law local authorities should have identified a body of management of this natural reserve. Before the City of
Roseto, now the province of Teramo , have been able, in five years, not to enforce the law and leave in complete abandon an area for which the region had invested to start activities well Euro 500 thousand.
This total inability to want to follow what the law requires, has resulted, to date, the loss of more than half of the initial financing to five years of contribution to the ongoing management, being in the order of € 80 thousand per year, leading to a total of nearly one million thrown out the window (better to draw a merciful veil made use of 250 thousand are still available €).
Tomorrow morning, shocked by the state of neglect in which the nature reserve has been left, volunteers, citizens, school children, associations, civil society, in short, is rechrà together to clean up that wonderful piece of Italy. In the face of those who sleep deep sleep!

Click on image for more details or go to: