Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Snowboard Outlets Canada

L'UE vuole davvero la tutela dei mari?

For the protection of the sea and maritime areas , there are (and are) so many projects. However, many working groups that seek to operate the service today Because of this, operating through the help of a system that supports initiatives paradoxically contrary to the purposes for which it seeks to work.
What is the meaning of all these efforts to protect the sea when the European system allocates sums of money in no time (see article) such as to destroy the development of the same marine sustainability? On
Times Online's article on ,
reads information that brings Europe in a dramatic scenario: Europe decreed laws for the business of fishing enterprises that use the sea without undertaking sustainability (in this case the species of bluefin tuna ).
35 million Euro. Numbers, not words. But where to invest today, the European Community as a specific sum for the "conversion / innovation" productive activity of fishing companies (from "harvesting" a "sustainable fishery production processes)?
If 35 million were invested also for "those who invest in a sustainable sea", with possible viable projects, economic impact that could have compromised the already existing fishing industry? Tourism? quality of life given the quality of the environment?
TIME PROJECT- Tourism Marketing- Sustainable Development

Thursday, December 3, 2009

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Italian version 3.3.4 - Feature for custom medical record, Reports

Dear Doctors,

New features dell'ultima versione:

  • Funzionalità aggiuntive per lo sviluppo della cartella clinica personalizzata
  • Componenti Aggiuntivi: Reports di oftalmologia, concisi, estesi, per sezione
  • Componenti Aggiuntivi: Migliorie al componente di Esame Audiometrico
  • Testo di intestazione formattabile nei reports
  • Migliorie al calcolo dimensioni della fattura
  • Componenti Aggiuntivi: Migliorie al componente Prova Sotto Sforzo
  • Possibilità di funzionalità di una postazione server come client di un altro server
  • Migliorie al Report fatturazione Poliambulatorio
Distinti saluti,
A.S. Sviluppo Software


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Go Kart Steering System

Ophthalmology Update 3.3.3 - best workmanship

Dear Users,

the new version of Doctor's Office 2008 is available for installation or upgrade from our site. Particularly among the new features several enhancements to the Billing and a new report especially useful to identify outpatients who need the services invoiced by different doctors:

Stamp automatic bill over a certain amount
New Invoice Management Formats and Footers Notes configurable
second Billing Codes List Performance Report (useful for outpatients)
Search for Bills Bills Search for
Total Invoice Format (only for invoices issued after this version)
Metodo di pagamento predefinito
Parametri di Totale Fattura in Report Fatturazione
Impostazione veloce per permessi utente in Gestione Database
Stampa metodo di pagamento su lato sinistro o destro della fattura
Migliorie all'esportazione a Excel
Migliorie all'interfaccia di fatturazione
Correzioni di interfaccia

Distinti saluti

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cramps And Tender Breasts

Version 3.3.2 - Condivisione Opzioni e Eliminazione Appuntamenti

Gent.mi Utenti,

Le nuove funzionalità della versione 3.3.2:

  • Eliminazione manuale di Appuntamenti in un range di date
  • Spiegazioni introduttive ai vari componenti (suggerimenti)
  • Condivisioni Opzioni generiche di Database
  • Migliorie di ripristino Backup
  • improvement Exchange Server Remote


AS Software Development

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How To Remove Unhandled Exception In Gta-vc

Versione 3.3.1: visione orari preferiti, opzioni condivise

Dear Doctors,

you can find the new version 3.3.1 available on the site. News:

Displaying only hours Favorites
automatic sharing of clinic settings in smaller optimizations


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Michpult Roland M 24e

Versione: 3.3.0 - Visione Panoramica avanzata

Dear Doctors, Company

the Doctor's new 3.3 version of Office 2008 is available on our site for updates to the page .
compatibility with your subscription to receive updates within a short serial license to use the upgrade. To subscribe or renew updates please call requesting a quote.

New Feature: ______________________________

Vision Clinic Overview advanced with the possibility of changes
settings Sharing configuration of custom colors in the list of additional features
Clinic doctors
Many internal improvements for the management DB
Many internal improvements on the
file management interface improvements
Simplification of the installation documentation

Update Address Population permanently converted to single line (only affects installations pre-2008)
WEB-DOCTOR'S OFFICE : many improvements and optimization dedicated to smartphones and PDAs
WEB-DOCTOR'S OFFICE : Research Patient


Andrea Sabbatini
* Software Development *

Thursday, July 16, 2009

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Versione 3.2.2 - Ricerca n. telefonico - Sovrapposizioni poliambulatorio

Dear Doctors, Company

version 3.2.2 is available for upgrade and installation on site. New features and changes:

Search phone number on the White Pages
control overlap in time favorite

Clinic Doctors and identify improvements to the list in the Clinic
Improvements to the toolbar Billing

Simplified Installation Enhancements ________________

Sincerely, Andrea Sabbatini

Software Development ________________

Monday, June 29, 2009

Outfits With A Pencil Skirt

Versione: 3.2.1 - Collegamenti tra Anagrafiche, Invio Visita per Email

Gent.mi Dottori, Società,

Le nuove funzionalità di questa versione incrementano ulteriormente i dati in Anagrafica con una funzione che può essere utile per rintracciare velocemente parenti e associati di un Contatto:

Collegamenti tra Anagrafiche (per parenti, società e ogni tipo di relazione)
Invio della Visita e allegati via Email
Nuova interfaccia per i Luoghi di Lavoro (vecchia interfaccia selezionabile nelle opzioni)
Notifica note Prestazione alla creazione di un Appuntamento
Esportazione e reimportazione Prestazioni
Installazione Clients fully automated
Installation Server can be simplified
favorite show schedule overview

We also announce that during the week July 6 to 12 our studies will be closed.

AS Software Development

_________ ___________

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ideas For My Hall Way

Versione 3.2 - Indirizzo Fatturazione, Assicurazione/ASL, Nazionalità, Ricerca CAP, Anagrafica Medici

Dear Doctors, Company

The new capabilities of our management are addressed to both the Medical Clinic medium-large and the management of the study by the individual physician.

Key Features of the new version 3.2:
  • billing address of the patient optionally different Residence by
  • name and type of insurance Patient with configurable default values \u200b\u200b
  • ASL membership of the Patient with configurable default values \u200b\u200b
  • Country and Category Patient with configurable default values \u200b\u200b
  • indication of the type of contact : Patient or Company
  • Search Automated Postal Code, County, City, Address
  • full name for the Medici
  • Tools Extraordinary Maintenance Management Database
  • Copies Security automate via Windows Scheduled Tasks
  • Facilitation Copy and sharing between users Setting
  • Doctors can be added without the assistance
Other minor enhancements in the new version 3.2: Export and Import
  • List of Doctors and
  • users can maintain a list window on the side of the application Doctors
  • Ability to disable one or more Physicians
  • Ability to Delete Data for a Physician (password protected)
  • Improvements restoring security copies
  • Ability to synchronize Outlook subfolders
  • Notification for patients already on
  • Search for additional terms not found in the Patient Profile
  • search for new fields
  • Patient Population improvement in the management of the address on the invoice Patient
  • Speeding up the process of synchronization to Outlook
  • Improvements to default billing mode (rows of the total)
  • Extension documentation
  • Deleting multiple services simultaneously from the list
  • Express Installation with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP3 Italian
  • improvement installation compatibility with MSXML 6 and XP SP3
  • Migliorie all'esportazione/importazione in formato Doctor's Office
  • Migliore identificazione e risoluzione di problemi durante l'installazione
Vi ricordiamo che questa versione è disponibile per tutti coloro che hanno sottoscritto gli aggiornamenti annuali al programma e può essere scaricata dalla pagina aggiornamenti del sito ( ). Chi dispone del programma in prova può richiedere un nuovo seriale all'assistenza per il periodo rimanente.

Distinti saluti,
* Andrea Sabbatini *
* Sviluppo * Software


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Do They Still Make Vhs

Nuova Versione 3.1.1 - Ricerca Fatture per Prestazione, Esportazione Prestazioni, Impostazione condivisione dati

New developments in version 3.1.1:

Search Bills by Code Provision (especially useful for outpatients)
Export Performance List and re
Setting Billing sharing, list services, List Workplace

New Features Add-Ons for the Visit
improvement compabili Management and Creating Database Extended documentation

improvement of compatibility with SQL Server 2008 installation report
Small interface improvements

Sincerely, AS Software Development


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Turn Off Lenovo Veriface

Versione: 3.1 - Interfaccia Web completa - SQL Server 2008 - Sistemi a 64bit

Dear Users,

version 3.1 of our Medical Management includes these changes:
  • compatibility with the new SQL Server 2008 and 64bit systems
  • complete Web interface for data entries and changes

And 'in fact can now install or upgrade the application server to the latest version of SQL Server 2008 Express.
If you have already installed the 2005 version of the server and you want to upgrade, please contact us for instructions or assistance on the procedure. To install the new version of the server can be downloaded from the 'Advanced Installation ".
2008 The new version improves performance in the case of many connected clients and above all makes the application compatible with 64bit systems. The update is completely optional, however.

combined Promotion (2 Licenses -> 2 Months grateful). The period starts from date of purchase.
Promotion è valida per licenze COMPLETE acquistate tra il 20/03/09 e il 01/05/09 (facendo fede alla data del versamento)

Lista completa degli aggiornamenti e funzionalità:

Doctor's Office via Web: Inserimento, modifica ed eliminazione Appuntamenti
Doctor's Office via Web: Inserimento e modifica Pazienti
Doctor's Office via Web: modifica Cartella Medica
Doctor's Office via Web: Gestione Prestazioni, luoghi, colori, icone
Installazione Avanzata per utilizzare Framework .NET 3.5 e SQL Server 2008
Advanced Installation Settings for 64bit systems
White / Black Print Report
Improvements and corrections to the Report
compatibility improvement in the situation of not good link (internet and WLAN)
possible to install the server with LocalSystem account
Improvements to formatting Notes Invoice
improvement installation on Windows 2000 compatibility
Correction to Management Notes on some systems

Subject to subscribe to updates will be sent to a short document with the new serial license for the new version. Who has the program under test and want to update you can contact us requesting a valid serial for the trial period remaining.

Sincerely, Andrea Sabbatini

Software Development

Friday, February 27, 2009

Congratulations To My Best Friend

Nuova Versione: 3.0.7 - Stampa etichette Paziente

Dear Doctors, Company

the new version of Doctor's Office offers these features :

Label Master Patient
Settings window envelope with an invoice for printing

improvement compatibility
Print print multiple invoices
improvement of compatibility in network backup

We are also completing le modifiche alla versione Web che permettano di prendere appuntamenti, annotare la cartella ed eseguire altre modifiche da Browser.

Distinti saluti,

Andrea Sabbatini
Sviluppo Software


Distinti saluti,

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valima Invitation Matter

Versione 3.0.6 - Nuove Funzionalità Componenti Aggiuntivi

La nuova versione 3.0.6 è disponibile per aggiornamento sul sito.

Per chi disponesse già della versione 3.0.5, l'aggiornamento può essere eseguito automaticamente tramite il menu con il simbolo '?' all'interno del programma e selezionando l'apposita voce.

Questa versione è particolarmente indirizzata ad implementare nuove funzioni per le estensioni della Cartella Clinica (Componenti Aggiuntivi) - tra cui have been built for several

Cardiology - Cardiology
Visit - Exams (3 pages with different reports)
- Definitive Consulting Cardiology

Sports Medicine
- stress test (Printed certificates, a quarterly summary AUSL)

Together updating the program, because of the many new features, should also update the installed components of the visit.


Andrea Sabbatini - Software development


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Donate Old Prom Dresses Indianapolis Indiana

Version 3.0.5 - Second Billing Report

Version 3.0.5 is available on the page updates.

New features: According

Billing Report - suitable for printing and export
Automatic Update menu
automatic call through VoIP software (Skype, VoipCheap, etc)
New features for Firefox add-ons
Cardiology (in finishing stage)


AS Software Development.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dirt Bike Cupcake Cake Ideas

New version 3.0.4 - Access unique, Export, clinic, Windows 7

Dear Doctors, Company

The new version of Doctor's Office optimizes the structure of the program to access the clinic, reducing size, increasing the speed and abiding by the new Microsoft specifications.

Doctor's Office is in fact already compatible with next versione di Windows, successiva a Vista, chiamata "Windows 7 ", ma rimane naturalmente completamente compatibile con XP, 2003 e 2000.

Altre migliorie riguardano l'esportazione e importazione dati, l'utilizzo da utenti non Amministratore e la struttura delle Opzioni del programma. A breve verranno anche pubblicati diversi componenti aggiuntivi per cardiologia.

Segue lista completa modifiche per le ultime due versioni. (aggiornamenti su )

Versione: 3.0.4 (12/01/2009)
Accesso al programma tramite unico collegamento
Migliorie all'esportazione a eBridge/Robot
Migliorie all'esportazione Excel / CSV format export improvements
Doctor's Office savefile for subsequent re
window separate login from the menu of options
Corrections DB Drugs
Numerous improvements for use in outpatients
Numerous improvements to the installation
Numerous compatibility improvements to follow the new specifications on the Microsoft folder
Numerous improvements for ease of use for users without Administrator privileges

System Version: 3.0.3 (26/11/2008) ------
complete data
------------------------ Save Patients / Visits to file for re-importation to other computers
Improvements export Patients
Overview of the compatibility with non-standard number of users

Sincerely, Andrea Sabbatini

Software Development