Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yellow Unitard For Sale

Apennines here ...

A short video I shot this morning ... Start with a deer crossing and ends with the snow away (but not too much ...) begins to be "heard" ...
Amid the fall with its colors and its animals ...
few more timid and melancholy bellowing ... I have yet to convince me that this intense period for deer (and me!) Is over ..

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kates Playground Freee Mobile

BRAM and smile ... AGAIN! My morning with the ungulates! POWER

To my happiness bramitanti the Deer are still being felt! Obviously with molta meno intensità, ma qualche bella emozione riescono ancora a donarla...

Tra un bramito e un'altro.. trova il tempo anche per mangiare qualche bacca di Rosa canina!

Chi fotografa i Cervi (e gli ungulati in generale) sa benissimo che oltre alla "luce buona" bisogna fare i conti con i sensi molto sviluppati di questi animali (soprattutto olfatto e udito).
Le immagini che seguono mostrano un Cervo che "annusa l'aria": retrae le labbra a bocca semiaperta e mette in mostra i denti. Sembra that smile! (This is why German authors call this attitude "flehmen).
Use a supplemental olfactory organ called the "vomeronasal organ" to capture the urine of female hormones that announce the presence of the state of estrus and ovulation ..
But when (in this case!) The slight wind is against me, using this organ (called Jacobson's organ to be precise) to find!

then moves see me better!

close with this young Buck Melanie, very curious! No offense, but if a deer was so close ... I was happy !!!!!!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Incubation Period For Impetigo

The Deer and the situation in the vegetation Pistoiese

The deer is a ruminant grazers selective intermediate type, capable in the event need to digest with good efficiency the fibrous parts of plant foods eaten.
In general its behavior is more food and less herbivore grazer foliage of other cervids, although the choices can be highly eclectic. (...)
the most favorable condition for about 60% of the diet consists of vegetation of the herbaceous layer, while the remaining 40% from shoot tip, branches, leaves and bark of trees and shrubs (... ).
(Taken from "Ungulates of the Alps" by A. Muston, L. Pedrotti, E. Zanon, G. Tosi)

Ruminant grazing type intermediate (14.2 kg of forage verde/120 kg bw / day), consisting of about 30-60% of grasses (very variable).
(Taken from "Ungulates" in France because)

Cervi of 300 kg, almost 30 kg of green fodder per day.
(Taken from "The Deer" by Franco Perco)

The breeding season is virtually over.
Adult males will now have to recover lost several kilos in this intense period (which has an adult may have lost about 20% by weight). This factor involves
high mortality in adult males during late autumn, if they are unable to replenish lost resources before winter.
Luckily the production of chestnuts this year looks very good and, being very nutritious anchovy, will undoubtedly help our friends ungulates.
Recently I went to two places in Pistoia, where the deer was already living several decades ago.
I was very impressed by the almost complete disappearance of the forest ... In the few grazing are settled with great speed ferns and junipers ... A particular worry is the fern that in the absence of disorder, prosperous without providing any source of food and can become potentially toxic to the animals!
We have tried in past years to recover by doing some tillage fallow (where possible) and sowing native herbaceous species. These actions, however, need maintenance to last ...
The difference in food availability between Emily and the Tuscan side affects much on the weight of the animals: in Bologna, an adult male can exceed 300 kg!

Two pictures taken recently at Monachino (Sambuca Pistoiese):

What Is The Tolit Roll Test

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Use By Date Canned Broth


is a new production based on light design that leaves you speechless. Commissioned by Virgin Media, the United Visual Artists celebrate ten years of broadband in the UK. They do this by inventing a multimedia space in which the light signal of the optical fiber becomes an immersive pervasive. In the dark spaces of an old London warehouse light animates the emptiness, the intangible becomes tangible.

Hundreds of mobile lasers lights "dance" in the spaces, create objects, size, text and images. All synchronized to a score composed electronic microsounds speech input and the same result.

short, chapeau. Bob

Portable Dvd Player Long Battery Life

Dear Doctors, Company

Our Doctor's Office 2008 software has been updated to version 3.6. This update introduces several enhancements and new capabilities developed and tested during the summer months.

addition, has implemented a new mode of activation for licenses purchased online which simplifies the procedure and to resolve problems as quickly activated. This mode of activation can also be used to update the program to those who have purchased the program and have a subscription to updates.

Here are the main developments in short, you can also check the list complete with the latest updates on the website at: .

Developments Major Upgrade Version 3.6

· Search Toolbar from Quick Patient
It 'now possible to introduce only the first letters of last name to jump directly to the patient sought

· Possibility of introducing Patients with foreign letters or numbers
It 'now possible to enter patients whose first or last name beginning with particular letters or numbers.

· Notes of Credit

· Estimates and conversion Invoice to

· Connection of Credit Note or Invoice to Estimate

· VAT on Price Performance Single Performance by

performance lists for various fields including VAT

· Added benefits of fast recipe
· Places icon Working configurable
° Instrument for export TeamSystem
· Database compatibility with optional Unicode

• make better the Legend Workplace
° option to print multiple labels? Following Patient
wrap in the lines of the recipe
· Removal safer Benefits from Price
· Introduction in English • make better
components of Ophthalmology
· Corrections research Invoices Overview
• make better viewing for many Doctors
• make better menu for license activation
· Fixes and improvements to the Billing
· Fixes and enhancements to homonymy in Population
· Panels Fast Information in English

Here also updates the previous months, from April to July 2010:

Version (01/07/2010)
setting times not available for more Physicians
Quick Setup of holiday periods (times not available)
Planning SMS alerts per day
Management of contacts connected in Studio Overview
improvements and corrections to the creation recipe
interface improvements and operation of sending SMS
Improvements Update Wizard
improvement program to address the problems connecting to the Gateway SMStrend
improvement to 'interface overview Studio (Business preferred)
correction to the calculation of compensation in the report for an amount exceeding the invoice
Correction Billing Address

Version (31/05/2010)
Cut / Copy / Paste Appointments, even among different doctors
Creating Path Not Available / Preferred Bi-Weekly Report
Appointments / Performance / Cost Aggregate Patient
Confirm closing program
Database Management - Server Status Monitor Version

More details in the Archives List Views
Views Export Performance
list now includes default values \u200b\u200bfor Career and 'Referred by' Improvements
export to Excel for numeric fields, phone numbers, etc.
Age next to the date of birth
Corrections billed patients for research and print Patient Profile
Keyboard Shortcuts window Appointment

Version 3.5 .3.2 (05/06/2010)
Clipboard icon to display the Performance
performance in Notes window Appuntamento e Lista Prestazioni
Riquadri appuntamento stondati (opzionale)
Aggiornamento del Manuale
Migliorie all'interfaccia delle opzioni
Migliorie all'installazione
Campi riordinabili nel Report Lista Medici e Listino Prestazioni
Cronologia dell'aggiornamento dinamica
Alcune migliorie e correzioni minori

Restiamo a vostra disposizione per chiarimenti e informazioni.

Andrea Sabbatini
Sviluppo Software

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Quo Cosmetics, Optical Illusion Foundation

The natural predator: the wolf

8 novembre 2008 . Io e il mio amico Cameramen eravamo in appostamento in attesa della "luce buona" per filmare e fotografare il consueto passaggio di Cervi. Era una mattina molto fredda e il vento gelido tagliava la pelle rendendo davvero difficile lo stare immobili ad aspettare.. Alle 06:42 una figura scura compare dalla collinetta vicina... Eravamo di fronte al mitico Lupo nero! E insieme a lui l'inseparabile compagna (presumo sia la femmina in quanto questa coppia è stata avvistata diverse volte even by experts).
an indescribable feeling ... In most animals have passed relatively close without noticing the least of us ...

The wolf is the only real "breeder" of the Apennines: Everyone needs an average of 4 kg of meat per day (amount that can be compared to 25 deer per year). Kill the young or weaker prey (which, for males, "evaluate" the stage !!!!!)...
Unfortunately this animal legends and fears still linger stupid .. Who tells me "Are not you afraid of wolves in the woods alone and going early in the morning?" answer: "I have a lot more afraid of certain" Christians "!!!"

Animals hunted:
Young boar

Cerva and drag marks