Friday, December 31, 2010

Tennis Shoes Ok For Hiking The Grand Canyon

Forget 2010. Happy 2011 to Italian Parks!

Let us hope a really good year for Italian protected areas.
A good 2011 to all.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Red Capillaries On Breast

Christmas gift: Stelvio goodbye! In defense of the Italian Parks

Christmas gift for so very little of Parks appreciated. The Stelvio National Park is finally broken up by giving each of the three provinces manage their slice of territory. From:
AIDAP From: . php? id = 11821
Greenreport From:
Eddyburg From: http : / / /
From Tiscali

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

South Park Sub Eng Streaming

Disturbo antropico e convivenza

Mi ero promesso che in questo Blog non avrei trattato di argomentazioni che portano ad una opinione personale. Non sono un "esperto" ma un semplice appassionato che parla in base a quello che vede.
Ma una cosa  ci tenevo a dirla.

Sono un fotografo amatoriale e un cercatore di stanghe (anche se piuttosto maldestro!) : entrambe le attività arrecano un disturbo più o meno importante alla popolazione di Ungulati .
Credo sia giusto che si parli di quali comportamenti adottare per limitare al massimo ogni tipo di "disagio" verso gli animals. But I think those who truly love nature and animals do not need to read a book on "how to behave "....

know a little biology Cervi know:

- The bellowing is a very stressful for the animals and the male deer in this period can lose up to 20% of its weight is required for mating and peace of mind. Leaks caused by curious hikers and photographers certainly do not help the animals.

- The Bucks lost the poles in late winter-early spring. The animals are coming from the winter (which too early if he was unable to recover fully the hardships of post brama) and hunters are shafts to cause a disturbance evident.

These two categories are added (at various times of the year), also the mushroom hunters, and all activities that invade their range (hiking, motocross, etc. ...)

But I think the two biggest "problems" for the population of ungulates are:

- The use of dogs ("racket") for hunting
I saw venison chased by dogs until they are exhausted .. . while still-hunting photo I tried not to see / hear per fare qualche scatto..

- Il modo in cui l'opinione pubblica (giornali) parla di loro
Troppo spesso i giornali locali per riempire qualche spazio vuoto domenicale intitola articoli con "Ci sono troppi Ungulati", "Allarme zecche" ecc.. causando un odio secondo me inconsiderato...
Un esempio:
Per due anni consecutivi ho stampato a miei spese alcuni cartelli con scritto "NON TOCCATEMI". Mi riferivo ai piccoli ungulati che in maggio-giugno possono essere trovati nel bosco da qualche escursionista e che, pensando siano abbandonati, vengono presi e portati via...
Ho attaccato quei piccoli manifesti vicino the most popular trails and in areas suitable posting ...
not have lasted for more than two or three days ! All were promptly torn or "offended" ..
I wonder, but as you can "educate" people when this is the card?
In my small and unassuming, I hope that with this simple blog I can do a little more love these animals.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

How To Dry Rose Petals

IL CERVO in Italia Biologia e gestione tra Alpi e Appennini

I must point out this beautiful book, published recently, dedicated to Deer


Il cervo è il più imponente rappresentante della fauna selvatica italiana. L’uomo è da sempre profondamente legato a questa specie, che ha acquisito in passato, come simbolo di forza, bellezza e rinascita, anche un significato magico e religioso.
Dopo la distruzione degli habitat idonei e la caccia sfrenata, che hanno portato tuttavia la specie alla fine del ‘700 a scomparire da gran parte del territorio italiano, finalmente il cervo ha riconquistato negli ultimi decenni, con una serie di più o meno ponderate reintroduzioni, una parte important forest areas of the Alps, Apennines and Sardinia.
The new presence of the deer in Italy and its growth in numbers made it possible to regain an important part of the original fauna (with various and certain benefits), however, these conditions have also caused local opportunities for conflict with agricultural crops and forest human, requiring the need to achieve appropriate direct and indirect actions aimed at managing the species. E ', however, essential that any initiative taken in this direction, not to retrace the damaging examples of the past, is characterized by an approach based on rational and scientifically sound.
This book, the fruit of the joint work of two authors with different and complementary skills on the biology and management of the species, it offers the possibility to know in depth the deer, his behavior, his lifestyle needs and the relationship established with other components of wildlife and humans, in the rooms occupied in our Peninsula.
From this information, described in a clear and suitable for beginners, the reader can gain knowledge on the populations, which constitute the indispensable basis to support any management options. Below, are analyzed critically the methods of implementation of direct interventions and those aimed at improving environments and relationships with men. Finally, the text includes a chapter on health issues. The book includes over 120 color photos, 28 tables and 29 between text and graphics and can be purchased on-line at library or order by quoting the ISBN 978-88-905229-1-8.

Silvana Mattiello, Milan, graduated in 1986 as Animal Production Science at the University of Milan, where he earned the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science and where he currently holds the position of associate professor, teaching in several courses on subjects relating to the management of wildlife.
Vito Mazzarone , Casentino, graduated in Forestry in 1986 at Florence University with a thesis on the management of deer in the Casentino. He always played the profession of wildlife technician working on ungulates in several Italian cities. He is currently head of the Defense of Fauna of the Province of Pisa.

Direct Link:

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Menstrual Cycle Hemorrhoids


Dedico questo video, girato qui sull'Appennino tosco-emiliano, a tutte le persone che fotografano e seguono in modo rispettoso il Cervo.
In giro ci sono tante (e belle) foto sul nostro amato Cervus elaphus ma non tutte sono da attribuire alla bravura del fotografo... Molti scatti sono "furbi" e arrivano da recinti faunistici o peggio ancora da allevamenti...
Non è una criticism, but I think those who have never seen this animal in freedom can not understand how difficult it is to approach without being noticed ...
The movie shows a photographer stalking and the arrival of a deer in the company of a Fuson.

I like this video because it enhances the wildness of these animals and the fear that sacrosanct to Us ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Acceptable Bilirubin In Newborn


For several reasons, it is a period of "standstill" (picture talking about!) for me and I often relate to the pictures I took in the past two years.
I remember a particularly pleasant than the ones made on the morning of October 4, 2009 ....
I was in ambush in a "cut" with my friend Cameramen.
Suddenly, to my left, is checked by a vegetation Hart.
was really close (as never before that had happened to me) and I have not had the courage to take immediately for fear that I felt and saw ... I waited and approached further, especially during its noisy bells, I ran several photos to "blast" ... These
that posto sono due delle ultime immagini (in formato originale) che ho fatto quel giorno.
Di seguito il filmato, con l'inconfondibile rumore della macchina fotografica.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Short And Longeffects Of Syphilis

Parlando dell'inverno...

Parlando dell'inverno (anche se ufficialmente siamo ancora in autunno!!) mi viene in mente quello del 2008-2009 qui sull'Appennino tosco emiliano.
A parte il freddo e la neve, fattori naturali e normali a certe altitudini, é stata la carenza di frutti del bosco (ghiande e castagne) a fare our friends suffer some ungulates.
remember that many animals have come closer to roads and houses to feed on hedges (much like those of Prunus laurocerasus and Viburnum tinus) and "peel" the trunks of fruit trees are not properly protected.
signs of hunger in the woods were clearly visible on the young chestnut trees and ivy, completely devoid of leaves up to "high Cervo.
Alps the situation is really dramatic with the discovery of so many dead deer.
That winter has been much debate whether or not interventions were just feeding the animals.
I do not want to go into the discussione ma, se da una parte l'inverno è l'unico "selettore naturale" (se escludiamo i pochi predatori naturali)  di questi animali, dall'altra bisogna considerare che i Cervi e i Caprioli sono specie meno adatte alle dure condizioni dell'inverno alpino rispetto a bovidi come lo Stambecco o il Camoscio.

Il grosso problema non è tanto la temperatura rigida di questa stagione ma la quantità di neve caduta e la sua permanenza al suolo che impedisce la deambulazione e dunque la possibilità di cercare cibo.
Un istituto di ricerche faunistiche ed ecologiche di Vienna ha svolto recentemente studi sulla biologia del cervo; ad alcuni soggetti sono stati applicati apparecchi che, using telemetry techniques, transmitting data on heart rate and subcutaneous temperature.
has discovered that during the winter, the nights cooler and in a few hours of the day, to save energy can lower both the Deer and enter these parameters in real lethargic hibernation phase lasting 8-9 hours ( W. Arnold, Der verborgene Winterschlaf des Rothirsches , in "Wildbiologie Physiologie", 9, 3, 2003).

Some pictures of winter 2008-2009:

debarking in fruit trees and forest

stripping of Prunus laurocerasus "height Cervo"
What is left of ivy


A BOOK that I recommend!

I recently read "With the eyes of a fawn" Elizabeth Marshall Thomas (Longanesi Publisher, € 18.60).

We are in rural New Hampshire, where the oak trees in the fall of 2007 decided to discontinue the usual production of acorns, jeopardizing much of the wildlife of the region.
A terrible episode in its simplicity, which gave to Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, the world-famous naturalist, the inspiration for a much broader search.
Trying to overcome the announced killing of starvation, it decided to distribute some corn fields next to his house more than thirty white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus ) came to eat, a larger sample enough for a careful naturalist like her.

One of the chapters is titled "The risks of giving food to the animals "....

I highly recommend it! Let me know!!