Friday, January 21, 2011

Plasma Donation In Chicago'

Version: 4.0 (Doctor's Office 2011) - WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT

Dear Doctors, Company

after a period of intense work we are pleased to announce the new version of our medical management:


In particular with the creation of * Warehouse Management *

Key Features:

  • New Warehouse Management Section
  • New Multimedia Archive advanced with labels and descriptions
  • Reader Images in DICOM
  • search for media files
  • Updating Codes ZIP (CAP) in December 2010
  • Drugs Database Update 2011

Other features:

Loading / Unloading Stock simplified
Details Stock category, threshold, expiration, history, supplier
details for Stock Code Code bar, billing
Other Warehouse features in the works
tools for the manipulation, zoom and measurement of Images
control brightness, contrast, gamma Images
Viewing Picture property in a special panel
feature enhancements and performance improvements to
Zoom Images 'preview media files
Opening Image, Audio and Video in the default program of improvements to the system
Multimedia Archive
compatibility improvement for uploading files to MP4 video and other multimedia files
improvement of export
Grid overlay to fit the image with scale
Print images in DICOM format and
images with measurements to control existing codes or Performance Stock
Update Documentation
export Teamsystem
Corrections Corrections to manage more Doctors in special situations
Numerous interface improvements
interface improvements to the components of Cardiology
New mode Navigation license

You can find the update and other information on our site. Please contact us to request or suggest additional features to the warehouse.


A. Sabbatini
Software Development

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bosch Dishwasher Spray Arms Not Moving

In 15 years built three million hectares, the equivalent of Lazio and Abruzzo Parks put together

L'appello di Carlo Petrini, per fermare lo scempio del paesaggio, prima che sia troppo tardi ...
da " La Repubblica " del 18 gennaio 2011

Visto che in tv i plastici per raccontare i crimini più efferati sembrano diventati irrinunciabili, vorrei allora proporne uno di sicuro interesse: una riproduzione in scala dell'Italia, un'enorme scena del delitto. Le armi sono il cemento di capannoni, centri commerciali, speculazioni edilizie e molti impianti per produrre energia, rinnovabile e non; i moventi sono la stupidità e l'avidità; gli assassini tutti quelli che hanno responsabilità nel dire di sì; i complici coloro che non dicono di no; le vittime infine gli abitanti del nostro Paese, soprattutto quelli di domani.

I dati certi su cui fare affidamento sono pochi, non sempre concordanti per via dei diversi metodi di misurazione utilizzati, ma tutti ci parlano in maniera univoca di un consumo impressionante del territorio italiano. Stiamo compromettendo per sempre un bene comune, perché anche la proprietà privata del terreno non dà automaticamente diritto di poterlo distruggere e sottrarlo così alle generazioni future.

E' stato già riportato che l'equivalente della superficie di Lazio e Abruzzo messi insieme, più di 3 milioni di ettari liberi da costruzioni e infrastrutture, era sparita in soli 15 anni, dal 1990 al 2005. Dal 1950 abbiamo perso il 40% della superficie libera, con picchi regionali che ci parlano, secondo i dati del Centro di Ricerca sul Consumo di Suolo , di una Liguria ridotta della metà, di una Lombardia che ha visto ogni giorno, dal 1999 al 2007, costruire un'area equivalente sei volte a Piazza Duomo a Milano . E non finisce qui: in Emilia Romagna dal 1976 al 2003 ogni giorno si è consumato suolo per una quantità di dodici volte piazza Maggiore a Bologna ; in Friuli Venezia Giulia dal 1980 al 2000 tre Piazze Unità d'Italia in Trieste day. And most of these lands were used for agriculture. To return to the data overall, from 1990 to 2005 have exceeded two million hectares of agricultural land dead or covered in concrete.

As you can see, the available figures do not take into account the recent years, but suffice it to travel a little 'to Italy and take note of the initiatives of this government (the House Plan , for example) and local administrations to realize this: it seems that there is no territory, municipality, province or region that is grappling with a wild and uncontrolled occupation of the free. Unfortunately, although the landscape is a constitutional right (the only case in Europe) guaranteed by Article 9, the legislation is largely entrusted to the Regions and local authorities, with the result that you create great confusion, endless debates and plenty of room for action for the speculators. For example, the recent regional law approved in Tuscany prohibiting the installation of photovoltaic systems on the ground seems valid, but it is already challenged by some political forces. In Piedmont was instead passed a similar law, but less effective, raising serious concerns from the Movement to Stop use of land. " In fact, in spite of the national guidelines for photovoltaic systems - those eat-agriculture - they keep popping up like mushrooms the same way as shopping malls and ShopVille, residential areas in the country, new suburbs, an illegal building that has devastated entire areas of the South thanks to our wicked building amnesties. There are blatant examples: The Veneto, which since 1950 has increased its urbanized area by 324% while its population grew during the same period only 32%, has not learned anything by the flood that hit in late November. A couple of weeks later, while still did a count of the damage, the Regional Council approved a sneaky that allow you to extend the buildings on agricultural land up to 800 cubic meters, the equivalent of three flats of 90 square meters.

Guardandoci attorno ci sentiamo assediati: il cemento avanza, la terra fa gola a potentati edilizi, che nonostante siano sempre più oggetto d'importanti inchieste giornalistiche, e in alcuni casi anche giudiziarie, non mollano l'osso e sembrano passare indenni qualsiasi ostacolo, in un'indifferenza che non si sa più se sia colpevole, disinformata o semplicemente frutto di un'impotenza sconsolata. Del resto, costruire fa crescere il Pil, ma a che prezzo. Fa davvero male: l'Italia è piena di ferite violente e i cittadini finiscono con il diventare complici se non s'impegnano nel dire no quotidianamente, nel piccolo, a livello locale. Questa è una battaglia di tutti, nessuno escluso. Ora si sono aggiunte le multinazionali che producono impianti per energia rinnovabile, insieme a imprenditori che non hanno mai avuto a cuore l'ambiente e, fiutato il profitto, si sono messi dall'oggi al domani a impiantare fotovoltaico su terra fertile, ovunque capita: sono riusciti a trasformare la speranza, il sogno di un'energia pulita anche da noi nell'ennesimo modo di lucrare a danno della Terra.

I pannelli fotovoltaici a terra inaridiscono completamente i suoli in poco tempo, provocano il soil sealing, cioè l'impermeabilizzazione dei terreni, ed è profondamente stupido dedicargli immense distese di terreni coltivabili in nome di lauti incentivi, quando si potrebbero installare su capannoni, aree industriali dismesse o in funzione, cave abbandonate, lungo le autostrade. Germany, which is really light years ahead of the rest of Europe on renewables, for example, does not give incentives to those who put solar panels on the ground, always. Wild wind power, oversized, often in the odor of mafia and wasteful if you're average readers of newspapers and audiences of the faithful Report on Rai Tre already know: not a week goes by that we speak up for some testing, especially local arises because some committee of citizens. Simply comb through the internet site of the movement "Stop the use of land", among the most active, and immediately leaps out the list of local communities who are rebelling in every region, for the more disparate reasons.

Mind you, this is not an article against the solar or wind power: it is against their wicked and speculative use. The usual way of messing things up, typically Italian. Also because the target of 20% renewable energy by 2020 can be achieved very well without doing harm, and we are to reach and possibly exceed it. This is intended as a cry of pain against the use of land and agricultural land in all its forms, the largest environmental and cultural catastrophe which Italy has watched, helpless, in recent decades.

Because if the agricultural land is disappearing disaster food, hydrogeological, environmental, landscape. E ' as debt for life and their children and grandchildren into debt to buy a bigger TV: no more problem then stupido.Il dovetails perfectly with the general crisis in agriculture is going through a bit 'of years, since all sectors are suffering. Are recent data of ' Eurostat giving further confirmation of the trend: "The per capita income of farmers in 2010 decreased by 3.3% and about 17% lower than five years ago." So it's easier to convince disaffected farmers to surrender, and their land, to speculation or related to renewable energies. Remember that agriculture is not defending defending a good (or rude) ancient world, but we defend our country, our ability to make local communities, a future that can still hope to cover real well-being and such beauty.

This is time to say enough because Let us realize that we have reached a point of no return: I would like to propose, and hope to be enacted, a national moratorium against the use of free soil. Not a total block of the building, which may well move towards empty or abandoned buildings, the renovation of buildings left to themselves or the demolition of dilapidated to make room for new ones. Need something strong, a collection of signatures, a firm declaration that stops forever disappearance of agricultural land in our country, ugly and useless buildings, shopping centers that diminish as men and women, reducing them to-consumer robots, and only then abbruttiti.Una moratorium, if you come out of the tremendous current political situation, should jointly make official the Ministry of Agriculture, the Environment and also that of Cultural Heritage, because our territory is the first cultural heritage of this nation that is about to turn 150 years old.

I am sure that the many organizations working in this direction, as my Slow Food, or for example the aforementioned network of "Stop the use of land, environmental groups, including farmers' category and the myriad of civic committees over the place will all agree and are willing to join forces. It's time to make a joint campaign, to preside over the territory in a capillary at the local level, to amplify the cry of millions of Italians who are tired of having to destroy landscapes and places of the heart, another form of harassment, including the many who suffer, even on what is free and has no price: beauty. Why look around: there is everywhere, especially in the little things that are before our eyes. It is a form of poetry available anywhere, that we should not remove, devotion and respect it deserves, that saves us the soul, every day.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Best Pearl Jam Bootlegs

hope for the future of the world but not in Italy

From Greereport of January 4, 2011 , and we publish the thoughts on the plight of Italian parks in Paul Pigliacelli .

In the first decade of 2000 the number of protected areas and areas in the world have increased substantially. The year 2011 began with more than 140,000 parks covering approximately 21 million square kilometers of land and sea, an area equal to two times that of Canada. 12.2% of the land area and 5.9% of the territorial waters are protected areas, while only 0.5% of the park is extra-territorial seas. But the most surprising is that in 220 countries around the world are protected areas and 45% of these surface exceeds 10% of the territory: the archipelagos of the Pacific to the polar regions, passing through all the corners of five continents, every institution that manages even small portions of territory has established protected areas.
What's more, 193 countries met in Nagoya in October last, during the COP 10 of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, have identified their protected areas in the most effective way to conserve natural resources essential to the future of the planet, so they decided that by 2020 the protected area should reach 17% of the land area and 10% of the oceans . This means that the instrument "park" or a specialized body for land management, has been high and universality as well as other forms of public administration such as justice, health, education, and yet it seems that in Italy is constantly questioned. The story of provincialization the Stelvio National Park is emblematic, as in neighboring Switzerland, home of the most entrenched federalism, FOEN (Federal Office for the Environment) to strengthen land management and policy at the request of the cantons, is transforming several regional parks national parks (the first will be the Parc Adula cantons Graubünden and Ticino), a few miles in our side of the Alps, you go in the direction opposite.
In the hectic and confused situation in which we currently find our national and regional protected areas, it is stunning to hear Cherie Enawgaw, coordinator of the Authority, the National Environment Ethiopia's poor "in the past, mistakes, nature parks have been almost completely neglected by government programs, is needed to raise them for the future of our country. " If Italy, such as Ethiopia and the rest of the world, will have a future, perhaps you should take more account of the heritage and reliability of power and wealth, including financial, enclosed parks.

Paul Pigliacelli

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How Many Calories In Skirt Steak?


Le prime foto di quest'anno le ho scattate ai Caprioli: il folto mantello invernale li rende particolarmente simpatici in questo periodo!.
I maschi adulti already have a good re-growth stage; for Deer instead must wait another month and a half before the more mature specimens "shed" their stage.
cells called osteoclasts in fact, serve to erode the bone thus favoring the fall of the front appendages of deer.

Stanga di Capriolo trovata il 24.12.2010