Thursday, April 8, 2010

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Finally a Marine Protected Area of \u200b\u200bTorre Cerrano

on the Italian Official Gazette yesterday , Wednesday, April 7, 2010, was posted on Decree establishing Marine Protected Tower del Cerrano" , di fatto, il quarto Parco nazionale abruzzese. Questa volta però, unico caso in Abruzzo e nelle regioni limitrofe, si interessa del mare, del nostro amato mare Adriatico. L’Area Marina Protetta "Torre del Cerrano" è l’unica nel lato occidentale dell’Adriatico. Le uniche altre Amp italiane in Adriatico si trovano ai due estremi, Miramare a Trieste e Torre Guaceto nel brindisino, o in alto mare, come nel caso delle Isole Tremiti.

Era il lontano 1997, il secolo scorso, è proprio il caso di dirlo tanta è stata l’attesa, quando un piccolo gruppo di ambientalisti locali, predisposero un disegno di legge da presentare alla Camera dei Deputati con la proposta di un Parco che proteggesse the area of \u200b\u200bCerro. The approval by the parliament came quickly and, by Article 4 of Law n.344, the following October, "Torre del Cerrano" joined the list of the areas of procurement for the establishment of a Marine Secure.
It took a dozen years of intense work with the local authorities that, over the years have become increasingly convinced of the goodness of the initiative. The Common of Pineto and Silvi have from the beginning had a cautious and reasoned approach and then, with an awareness that has accompanied the entire community, have come to be the major promoters of the institution Marine Protected Area, with the last two administrations even rewarded for the courage in the most recent elections. Two administrations of different political persuasions Pineto Silvi center-left and center-right showing that, if the things you really want to do for the good of the community is absolutely inappropriate to visit deliberately incompatible positions.

In January 2008, broken through the inertia, the Joint Conference State-local authorities have led the two municipalities have the approval of the establishment decree, and pending publication in the Official Gazette on 8 February, had been the Consortium Management between the two municipalities interested, Pineto and Silvi, Province of Teramo and the Abruzzo Region.
The publication of the decree in the Official Gazette, however, has delayed beyond although sympathetic understanding for a delay related to administrative delays. The fall of the Prodi government and the phase of uncertainty that followed, interrupted a process virtually completed and has now reached its final stages. The decree signed by the former Minister of Environment has been blocked in its definition phase of their financial commitments and the bureaucratic machine has slowed on its way. But the local
will do well not have been affected by these delays.

Since 2008, studies the management of municipalities, Seminars training for those who must face this new reality, the conferences and meetings with stakeholders, the Master of the University of Teramo specially organized Pineto, the Fields of Underwater Archaeology with the University of Rome took place at the Tower, the film events Piazza, school camps for children, many are the initiatives that have followed in Pineto and Silvi, with the support of all major national associations for environmental protection as well as the irreplaceable contribution of local associations. All initiatives have seen success beyond all expectations. Cerro Torre became the fulcrum of a system of protected areas which is extending to the Adriatic. By signing the "Charter of Cerrano" by at least 19 protected areas of the Adriatic 5 different countries and involving more than 30 research facilities and promoting local, has initiated a process of participatory planning to funding from the Community on the table that already has six European projects on various types of program you èavuto able to detect. Projects to start sustainable development and conservation of natural heritage in one of the most beautiful corners of our entire Abruzzo and Italy.
Locally, it became clear the vast resource that had at its disposal and receiving known how to use to help local development respectful of the places was the best choice you could make.

The decree published in fact are two. The first, establishing the protected area, is the DM October 21, 2009 outlining the area and defines the terms of conservation, entrusted to a consortium comprising municipalities, province and region, the management of extensive and devotes first national budget resources for operation: € 250,000 the first year and 100 thousand per year for subsequent years. The second decree, however, the of DM 218 dated July 28, 2009 the rules of discipline is allowed in terms of protection pending the definition of specifications as detailed by the Consortium for Marine Protected Area Management "Torre del Cerrano.

Times have close and the Consortium can not wait to address any points of conflict to try to find solutions satisfactory to all. What must be better defined with the regulations implementing the Marine Protected Area are permitted in the fishing, the use of the systems at sea and the coastal dune belt, the models of management of tourism and, above all, systems operation of the same management body.
At a time when, in fact, the management body has already been detected in the consortium formed between local authorities is sufficient to identify the forms of operation, following the provisions in the statute, to not only address the management problems that arise immediately, but also and above all, to continue the intense promotional work and enhancement that has already brought excellent results.



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